About Kressida

Company Kressida s.r.o. specializes in drying out damp walls. Through years of experience in the field of masonry insulation company came Kressida Ltd. to develop its own technology of isolation of basement with chrome-nickel plate with locks. In 2004 udělelil Technical and Testing Building Institute Prague this product under certificate No. 010-014236. With the unique technology of production of insulation boards and how to conduct itself provides insulation company in its work an unlimited guarantee against rising damp and cracks on the walls insulated throughout the lifetime of the building.

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Potřebujete zbavit váš dům vlhkosti? Provádíme odborné odvlhčení, sanace zdiva a hydroizolace. Disponujeme vlastní technologií včetně výroby vlastních narážecích nerez desek. Kontaktujte naše pracovníky, navrhneme vám nejlepší cenu a termín realizace.

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